Polyurethane foam

The thermal insulation system G-2008 is spray able polyurethane foam system, it has very low density distinguished by an open cell rigid polyurethane. It has been developed for the weatherization and air tightening of residential buildings using conventional spray machinery. It has CE marking on the basis of “ declaration of performance” DoP conforms to regulations made UE305 / 2011. The system TECNOFOAM G-2008 has a certificate of VOC emissions regulations. And ATEX certification nº 2038.
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TECNOFOAM G-2020, spray polyurethane foam system (SPF) for thermal insulation is specifically formulated
to apply foam with applied density around (±18~24 kg/m³). Its application must be carried out by the specific
reactor equipment by mixing Tecnofoam G-2020 (polyol side) and Tecnofoam G-2049.I (isocyanate side). The
blowing agent is water.
It has CE marking on the basis of a statement made DoP Declaration of Performance (DoP) under the European
Norm EN-14315-1:2031.

It’s specifically designed for thermal insulation in construction and industry sectors, in applications such as walls, double walls, inferior roofing or cellars, ventilated facades, not passable roof and livestock buildings. NOT contain HFCs, HCFCs, VOCs.
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It’s specifically designed for thermal insulation in construction and industry sectors, in applications such as walls, double walls, inferior roofing or cellars, ventilated facades, not passable roof and livestock buildings. NOT contain HFCs, HCFCs, VOCs.
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It’s an effective insulation foam system of density 40 kg/m³, free of substances harmful to the ozone layer, is suitable for use in passable roofing insulation. NOT contain HFCs, HCFCs, VOCs.
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Foam specifically designed for thermal insulation in civil engineering and industry sectors, for applications in which there are no compressive strength requirements as in , roofs, facades chambers, exterior facades (including ventilated facades), livestock.
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Offer an optimal thermal insulation thanks to its high density. Ideal for insulation of large areas of heavy traffic, also because of its high density it gives a good waterproofing property. NOT contain HFCs, HCFCs, VOCs.
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TECNOFOAM G-2060 polyurethane system for thermal insulation, is specifically formulated to apply foam with
applied density around (±52~62 kg/m³). Its application has to be done by the specific spray equipment.

The product I 2008 is a system composed of two components (polyol and isocyanate) produces polyurethane foam of an applied density from 10 to 20 kg/m³ ,is suitable for acoustic isolation uses.
It is free of substances harmful to the ozone layer and gases that promote the greenhouse effect (no contains HFCs, HCFCs, VOCs, etc ...).
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The product I 2035 is a system composed of two components (polyol and isocyanate) produces polyurethane foam of an applied density from 35 to 40 kg/m³ ,is suitable for injection isolation application as on ducts , tubing, colds stores and rooms. It is free of substances harmful to the ozone layer and gases that promote the greenhouse effect (no contains HFCs, HCFCs, VOCs, etc ...).
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