ALIPHATIC POLYURETHANE RESINIt’s a bi-component aliphatic polyurethane resin for treatment, decoration and protection of flooring, has a shiny finishing and forms a hard film, strong, continuous, of excellent adhesion and mechanical properties as its excellent resistance to abrasion and stress that make it resistant to weathering, extreme temperatures and UV radiation. Is suitable for coating protection on passable zones. Approved by the Ministry of Health, according to tests done in 1991, to be in contact with foodstuffs.

- Protection on TECNOCOAT P-2049 pure polyurea membrane or DESMOPOL polyurethane membrane and TECNOFOAM polyurethane foam.
- Flat or sloped roofs, terraces and balconies.
- Over epoxy coatings on floor surfaces (TECNOFLOOR T-3020, TECNOFLOOR Tw-3040)