POLYURETHANE/BITUMEN MEMBRANEITUMEN FOR WATERPROOF AND COATINGDESMOPOL CB is a two components liquid material, made up from bitumen and a pure polyurethane elastomer, which once catalysed forms a continuous elastic membrane, without any joints, overlapping or any integrated mesh needs. Its properties make it an excellent choice for achieving air-tightness and perfect waterproofing on a multitude of surfaces and substrates.
It is applied manually, using a roller or brush and, exceptionally, using specific spray equipment

To waterproofing or coating:
- Roofs, terraces, balconies (under tiles) and overhangs.
- Metal and fibre-cement roofs.
- Bridge platforms, foundations and basements.
- Waterproofing of underground structures in general.
- Roof gardens.
- As a protection over TECNOFOAM (polyurethane foam).